Frequently asked questions
Where can I download the app?

The Fitvee app is available for download from the App Store and Google Play.

How can I book workout and posing sessions with my trainer?

To book workout or posing sessions with your trainer, please follow these steps:

  • Ensure that the trainer is assigned as your official trainer. You can verify this by visiting the Trainers tab. If they are listed there, they are indeed your trainer.
  • Once you're connected with your trainer, you have two ways to book a session with them:
  1. Navigate to their profile and select "book now." From there, you can choose the specific service or session you wish to book.
  2. Alternatively, on the Home tab, access the calendar and switch to the calendar view. At the top of the screen, you'll find an "Add" (+) button. Select your trainer, and proceed with your booking from there.
How can I order workout or meal plans from my trainer?

To order a workout or meal plan from your trainer, please follow these steps:

  • Ensure that the trainer is assigned as your official trainer. You can verify this by visiting the Trainers tab. If they are listed there, they are indeed your trainer.
  • Once you're connected with your trainer, you have two ways to book a session with them:
  1. Navigate to their profile and select "Book now." From there, you can choose the specific service or plan you wish to order.
  2. Alternatively, you can access the Plans tab, click on the "Add" button (+), and select "Order a plan from trainer."
How can I upgrade my subscription?

You can upgrade your subscription by following these steps: navigate to the Settings menu, select Subscription, and then pick a new subscription plan.

How can I cancel my subscription?

To cancel your subscription, follow these steps:

  1. Navigate to your device's settings
  2. Select "Subscriptions"
  3. Tap "Unsubscribe"

For specific platforms:

Please make sure to log into the correct account for each platform. If you encounter issues or need further assistance, contact Fitvee support.

Please note that uninstalling the app or deleting your account will not automatically stop your subscription. You must actively cancel the subscription through the steps above. Additionally, subscriptions remain active until the end of the current billing period.

How can I change my password?

To change your password follow the steps:

  1. If you are logged in, first you must log out of the app
  2. On Login / Create account page click on login
  3. On credential page click on "Forgot password"
  4. You will be prompt to enter your email
  5. After submitting, you will receive and email with instructions to change your password
  6. Log in with your new password
How can I delete my account?

To delete your account follow the steps:

  1. Go to Settings by clicking on hamburger icon.
  2. Click on "Account settings"
  3. Click on "Delete account" button
  4. You will be prompt to re-authenticate yourself by entering your password
  5. If you enter the correct password, your account will be permanently deleted
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Your dream physique and health await in Fitvee.

Button to pre-order on the App StoreButton to get it on Google Play
TrainerFitvee opening screen